Application does not connect: NetConnection.Connect.Failed
- Make sure you filled rtmp address correctly (copy, paste and make sure there are no spaces before or after the address string) or contact our staff with admin details to configure it for you.
- Test the RTMP address in the VideoWhisper RTMP Connection Tester . If it works there, it’s something wrong with configuration. If it doesn’t make sure service is not suspended (not paid) or a local firewall restriction.
- Check our demos to make sure it’s not a local / ISP firewall setting. If demos don’t work either, it’s a client computer or network related issue. RTMP requires accessing server on port 1935. See client requirements.
Big latency (over 1s), interruptions
- P2P should be disabled, for streaming to occur fluently trough streaming server.
P2P can be used with good results in limited scenarios (when broadcaster has server grade connection and public IP or users are in same local network). - Do a speed test from broadcasting location to a location near streaming server (rtmp) using SpeedTest.Net.
Drag and zoom to a server in North America (where our servers are located) and select it to test .
Share with us the measurement link. - If your ISP has limitations for international networks, our staff can also suggest a closer Red5 VPS.